Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Amendment 2

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So we have the right to carry and conceal. This means that anyone who wants to protect themselves can do it. Some people think that it should be illegal to carry a weapon, that too many people are getting killed. The people who are shooting other people are the ones who get their guns illegally anyway and are going to keep getting them that way no matter what laws are passed.

Other people think if we just banned the AK-47, and other versions of it, everything will get better. People who say that are ignorant and watch too much TV. The AK-47 and all other assault rifles available in the US are semi automatic only. It is illegal to own any automatic gun. The ones that the gangsters have on the streets are illegal just like every other gun they hold up gas stations and convent stores. The carry and conceal licence lets one get a pistol, not a sawed off shotgun or an automatic M16. We can ban the AK and the M16, the M4 and the G36, but the people who have them or want them will keep getting them. The guns that should be banned are mini Uzi, and other sub machine guns that can be easily modded into an automatic weapon. Or we should raise the prices on the ammo of the guns killing the most people.

Now the Mini Uzi

Which one would be easier for a thug to hide as they walk into a store?

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