No one can be charged for the same crime twice. This topic is very controversial when it comes to OJ's case and how a lot of people believe that he was guilty. Even if he came out in the open and said he did that crime, he still could not be trialed for it. Double jeopardy is needed to keep the government from going and accusing the same people of the same crime and just keeping them in jail none stop. This amendment also says that the accused does not have to be a witness against him/her self.
This guy talks about how double jeopardy is necessary, and also talks about how OJ came out and said he did it.

Pleading the fifth has become a popular saying, meaning that the accused doesn't have to testify against themselves.
I like some of the points being addressed in the video. Double jeopardy is neccesarily because it prevent the government from arresting innocent people or blaming the people for a crime which they did not committ.